Primary Curriculum
Rissalah College is dedicated in providing a supportive and stimulating learning environment that allows each child to reach their potential. Students engage in learning that promotes investigation, questioning, higher order thinking and problem-solving.
Our Primary Curriculum endeavours to develop students’ knowledge, processes, skills, and attitudes for them to be active learners and life participants. We facilitate learning experiences that stimulate our students thinking and learning inside and outside of the classroom.
Secondary Curriculum
Our Secondary curriculum is designed to cater for a great diversity of interests and needs. As students’ progress through Years 7 to 12, a range of subject selections are offered to each young adult. This enables students to develop patterns of study that are highly appropriate to their career ambitions and future needs.

How to enrol
Parents must complete an Enrolment Form available online and from the school office.
For further information please refer to the Enrolment Information page.